Markhouse Corner, Waltham Forest
Design strategy, concept design options and technical designs to improve the public realm at the currently congested and unpleasant ‘Markhouse Corner’ junction of the Lea Bridge Road highstreet. The project is part of Waltham Forest’s wider Lea Bridge Area Framework.
The design proposals take a holistic approach to public realm, integrating landscape and lighting design and proposing a range of small-scale interventions to transform the area into a safer, more welcoming and greener place for residents and visitors whilst supporting local businesses.
The proposals concentrate improvements at three key locations, creating a more pedestrian friendly space around the existing Clock, a more generous and better-screened area in front of the residential building and biodiverse raingarden beside the locally listed Potter’s House. Public art interventions and shopfront improvements are also proposed to reinforce the distinctive corner buildings and strengthen the identity of the junction.
Underpinning the project, a series of consultation events were undertaken to engage the public, residents and the wide range of local stakeholders on the design options for key areas within the site. The extensive discussions informed the choice of preferred options, which formed the basis for the technical design development.
Client: Waltham Forest Council
Budget: £250,000
Status: Under construction
Team: Matter Architecture, Churchman Thornhill Finch, Light Follows Behaviour, Ian Sayer & Co.